Membership of the Lake Area Foundation (LAF) shall consist of five member advisory committees from each of the 10 counties in the Lake Cumberland region, along with all members of the Board of Directors.

The Lake Area Foundation Board of Directors is comprised of individuals from various professions and all walks of life. They represent the LAF region, which includes Adair, Casey, Clinton, Cumberland, Green, McCreary, Pulaski, Russell, Taylor and Wayne counties.

The LAF Board of Directors are volunteers. They receive no financial compensation for their service on the Board. They are selected to represent a broad cross-section of the LAF communities. They are eligible to serve three-year terms for no more than six years consecutively, and then they must leave the Board. This structure ensures that the Lake Area Foundation truly serves the people within the region. If you are interested in serving on the LAF Board, please contact us. We keep a list of potential board members for consideration.



 Regional Board of Directors


Adair County- BJ Wilkerson
Casey County- Jonathan Wilkerson
Clinton County- Hershel Key
Cumberland County- Hazel Smith
Green County- Jay Shofner
McCreary County- Nathan Nevels
Pulaski County- Kenny Ramsey
Russell County- Linda Stephens
Taylor County- Josh Myers
Wayne County- Winter Huff
Business- Matthew Hopper
Medical- Jeffery Meyers
Education-Shanna Tarter
Legal- Frank Phillips
Elected Official-Sharon Payne



Matthew Hopper- Chair
Sharon Payne- Vice Chair
Josh Myers- Secretary
Linda Stephens- Treasurer  


Advisory Committee

Anita Tucker
Winter Huff
Michael Ford
Janet Clark


Investment Committee

Kenny Ramsey, Chairman
Sharon Payne
Josh Myers

Audit Committee

Kenny Ramsey


Nominating Committee

Yvette Haskins
Janet Clark
Winter Huff


Distribution Committee 

Jay Shofner
Hershel Key
Linda Stephens
The County Judge from the county the grant is to be administered in